Let’s Get Started!

folder_openNews, Site Updates

This post was published 10 years, 5 months ago. Due to the rapidly evolving world of technology, some material it contains may no longer be applicable.

Hello and welcome to Little Green Dude!

We are now ready to get this site under way. The site is about 90% done but I feel is now in a fit state to deliver new content and the final perfecting adjustments can be made over time without disruption to users.

Let's Get Started
Let’s Get This Party Started!

I would like to thank you all for your patience and support during this transitional period. I am sorry it has taken so long to start working on the new site. Times have been busy but this is long overdue. However, I believe that we finally have a platform to work with and we will start afresh bigger and better than before.

Over the next month or so I shall review the old content and gradually take some it offline as not all previous content meets our new quality standards. Posts which are of good enough quality but are just outdated will be left for historical reference. A warning is now automatically applied to posts over 6 months old to warn users that old content may no longer be accurate today in this fast-moving world of technology.

Other work that has been done on the site recently which I said I would let you know of in my last post includes SEO, extra information on user profiles, improved login pages, further performance improvements and improved author profile / archive pages.

So that’s where we are. Now for where we are going. You will notice that all the posts currently live on the site are from me. On the old Blogger site I was joined by Aaron and as second writer. However, after a short time he was unable to continue writing for us and you won’t find any of this work here on this site. Obviously, more post authors means more content and a better experience so let me introduce the team:

Firstly, you’ll see myself (Charlie Callow). I am the site founder and administrator but I will also be making posts here at the site. But many of you know me and my work so lets introduce the interesting new people: Zachary, Henry and Geraint.



Zachary Kew-Dennis has been an Android fan since he first took ownership of the Samsung Galaxy S2. He is a great writer who I spotted for his work on Google+ and BaconDroid. I am very pleased to welcome Zac as the newest member of our team and you will be seeing content from him very shortly.



Henry Plumb is a long time friend of mine, an Apple convert who is now a massive Android and Linux fan. He started his Android explorations with the Orange San Francisco II (or ZTE Crescent as it is known internationally) which by most accounts was a pretty awful phone – but that didn’t matter. It was a stepping stone into the world of our little green friend and the device which gave Henry that initial first-hand experience of Android.

Henry begun to enjoy Android even more after switching to the legendary Nexus One (which I also still had at the time). It was at this point he also decided to sell his iPad and he purchased my Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 instead. Since then he has owned several Android devices and is a bigger fan than ever. You will likely see Henry around on our social media channels but if he is interested you may also see some posts from him here too.



Geraint is a friend I met in college. He’s a great coder and also knows his way around Android. He switched from a dumb phone to a Nexus 4 to accompany his Asus Transformer and has been greatly enthusiastic since. You may see posts from him on social media channels and perhaps even here in the future so watch out for him as well.



I hope to expand the team further at some point but this is it for now. A small group of people who love Android and use it daily. I hope we can make your time here as enjoyable as possible and please do engage with us in the comments here and on social media – we would love to hear what you all have to say!

That’s all from me for now. Stay tuned for upcoming content!
Charlie Callow
Founder of Little Green Dude

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