Let’s Get Social

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This post was published 10 years, 5 months ago. Due to the rapidly evolving world of technology, some material it contains may no longer be applicable.

Dear Droids and Gynoids,

I have but a brief update for you all today. As you almost certainly are aware, we are currently in the process of bringing this site back and getting things underway and that means that by and large all the time spent on the site at the moment is focused on laying the ground work rather than creating new content. However this groundwork will hopefully create a platform which will enable us to provide an enjoyable read for Android fans all over the world.

This post isn’t a detailed update on progress as most have been of late but is just to let you all know that we now have profiles set up on three of the biggest social media channels: Facebook, Google+ and now Twitter too!

To start with these profiles will primarily just serve as a nice way to stay up to date with new posts (although Email subscription is also an option) but with time we hope that we can bring more unique value to each and create a good social experience between members of the community.

So what are you waiting for? Head over to our profiles and let’s get social!

[do_widget “social media feather: follow us”]
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