Progress Update 4: Optimisation, Optimisation, Optimisation!

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This post was published 10 years, 5 months ago. Due to the rapidly evolving world of technology, some material it contains may no longer be applicable.

Since moving to the new host we have had a slight bump in speed and a much better uptime but the site was still not particularly fast and so I have been working on improving the performance quite drastically.

Up to 11!
Up to 11!

These optimisations include:

  • Fully optimised images (svg, jpg, png, gif)
  • GZip compression on the site
  • Minified CSS, JavaScript and HTML
  • Unnecessary Jetpack modules removed
  • Rewritten WordPress plugins and widgets so they do not contain unused features
  • Prefer asynchronous resources where possible
  • Page and browser caching of HTML, XML, CSS and JS
  • Images in posts now loaded from the content delivery network
  • Upgraded sever from PHP version 5.3 to PHP 5.5
  • Other smaller tweaks

The result is that Little Green Dude is now a much faster site and you should experience much better loads times than before. The average page load time for the site has been decreased by 60-80%. We aim to improve this even further with time if possible. Please do not that some oddities and delays here and there are still to expected while the site is in active development but things so be getting better all the time.

We hope that you’ll find using the site an increasingly pleasant experience!

Progress Update 3: New Features And Improved Reliability
Let’s Get Social

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