This post was published 9 years, 9 months ago. Due to the rapidly evolving world of technology, some material it contains may no longer be applicable.
Your eyes are not deceiving you and you are not experiencing a psychotic episode! What you read here is in fact true. Today, the Verizon Galaxy S5 is receiving its update to Android Lollipop.
Why all the fanfare? Well Verizon has always been known as the absolute worst at updating the devices on their network. They’re almost always at least a few months late (or you know, never!) cough Verizon Galaxy Nexus cough. Today however, they are actually the first US carrier to roll out this firmware upgrade.
None of the team here at Little Green Dude own a Galaxy S5, however users who have already received the update are reporting huge improvements across the board. Material Design is present throughout in both the animations and dynamic buttons in their apps. The colour scheme is also much more appealing than previous versions of TouchWiz and the device supposedly performs much better. A friend of mine who owns the device has informed me that battery life has also been extended by “several hours”. All good stuff.
Note: According to reports from some users you may need to complete two updates to get Android 5.0 but this currently unconfirmed.
If you have a Galaxy S5 on Verizon or any other network from around the world which already has the update, do let us know how you are finding it in the comments.
Source: Verizon