This post was published 9 years, 2 months ago. Due to the rapidly evolving world of technology, some material it contains may no longer be applicable.
Nova Launcher has long been at the forefront when it comes to exciting new features and keeping up to date with the latest design. Today is no different, as the beta version of the app has recently received a new update bringing a number of new tweaks and additional functionality.
A common complaint among Android users is the inconsistency present in icon design. If you’re into home screen theming inconsistently sized icons are a nightmare. That’s where Nova comes in. Listed under “Look And Feel” is the new “Icon Normalisation” setting. It scans the icons and scales them to match each other and the Material Design guidelines. OCD sufferers can now sigh with relief.
The update also brings two new search box styles. One features the new Google logo and mic icon with the same multicoloured theme as the recently updated Google Now Launcher and the other also has the new logo but in the traditional grey colour, for those that like the new icon but would rather stay away from the garish colours.
Also, for those who want and taste of Marshmallow and aren’t running the M developer preview, Nova has you covered here too. The new “Reveal” app launch transition animation has been added to simulate the new animation present in Android 6.0.
If you want to join the beta programme for Nova Launcher then head over to the Google Plus Community and sign up!