This post was published 13 years, 6 months ago. Due to the rapidly evolving world of technology, some material it contains may no longer be applicable.
Okay I think it’s safe to say for sure that Amazon will be realising it’s own line of Android devices and this is likely to include tablets and next gen kindles – possibly a phone also. The facts and hints are just to in-your-face to ignore now and Amazon are laying on hint after hint that they are coming out with Android hardware.
So we now KNOW that they are in the works and rumours suggest a Q3 summer release, but there are still many things left unknown. For instance – which CPU will they use? and how much will they cost? Up until now there has been no real answer to these questions but as of today one of them can now be answered.
Yep thats right more info on Amazon’s new toys has been released by BGR. Apparently, Amazon is working on two Android tablets codenamed “Coyote” and “Hollywood”. Coyote will be aimed at the low-end section of the market, powered by NVIDIA’s Tegra 2 chip. While Hollywood, will be carrying NVIDIA’s upcoming quad-core chip, the Tegra 3. Of course these are only rumours and not 100% certain but it would appear BGR have some insiders and I think it would be fairly safe to assume they are correct on this one.
This would also fit in nicely with NVIDIA’s roadmap as they are due to launch Tegra 3 in Q3 so I think that further backs up the likely hood of this rumour proving true.
One more thing I think we can be pretty much certain about is that they will ship with the Amazon app market by default and as a result it’s quite probable that they will not have Google’s Official Android market.
So with all that in mind would any of you potentially buy one of these new Amazon tabs and if so what kind of money would you pay for one?