Sunrise Calendar Gets Tablet Optimised UI

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This post was published 9 years, 9 months ago. Due to the rapidly evolving world of technology, some material it contains may no longer be applicable.

Not long after Microsoft announced that they had purchased Sunrise calendar, the app received a major update. The app can now be connected to Google Tasks and Eventbite, meaning that tasks created within these apps are merged with your calendar. Sunrise also offers more than 25,000 calendars to use, including major sporting events based on your favourite team.

Perhaps the greatest change is that it now has a properly implemented tablet UI. Before, the app would just stretch the phone layout and only work in portrait mode, not the most pleasant way to use the app on a tablet. Now the app is much nicer to use, with things rearranging themselves nicely to accommodate the larger screen size. If you scroll down through the calendar a dynamic button appears that will take you back to today’s date.

Another nice feature found in this app, although also present in older versions, is a notification centre. When someone invites you to an event, or an existing event is updated, a notification will appear there and allow you to take proper action.

Let’s hope that this app will continue to grow and improve under Microsoft management because this app is extremely popular. If it were lost a great many customers would be extremely disappointed.

The app was not found in the store. 🙁
label_outlineCalendar, Google, Microsoft, Sunrise
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