This post was published 13 years, 8 months ago. Due to the rapidly evolving world of technology, some material it contains may no longer be applicable.
Unity is an app developing tool that many developers use to create games on iOS. However unity has just announced that their service now works for Android Games too! – It gets better than that as well because it also allows Game developers to port their existing releases (though only ones made with Unity of course) to Android very easily and super fast! In some cases less than two days!Such was the case with Stupid Zombies from GameResort LLC. SkyVu said it took them two weeks to port both of their Battle Bears games from iOS to Android. Here are a list of features developers can look forward to:
- Integrated Editor — Users can deploy a single project to multiple platforms, including Android, using a one-click solution that just works. Porting a game from iOS to Android can be as simple as changing the target platform and clicking “Build.”
- Support for upcoming Android devices, including Tegra Tablets and the Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY Smartphone — Users can be among the first to benefit from releasing games on the exciting range of Android-based gaming platforms.
- Highly Optimized Graphics Pipeline for OpenGL ES 2.0 — Unity Technologies has been working directly with hardware manufacturers such as NVIDIA and Qualcomm to get every last bit of performance out of Android so that users can create stunning games without worrying about the subtle difference between devices.
- Android Remote — Developers can use their actual Android phone as an input device to view and test their game directly within the authoring tool.
Hopefully this will mean the appearance of many more high quality games for the Android platform as it will encourage more developers to start making games for Android as well as making many start porting their existing iOS titles!