Google Search Update: Adds New Things, Breaks Old Ones


This post was published 9 years, 10 months ago. Due to the rapidly evolving world of technology, some material it contains may no longer be applicable.

Google Search has just received a new update. Some of the material elements have filtered down to older Android versions and several other tweaks are present. For instance, if you are using Google Now launcher, then when you tap an app to open it the icon fades slightly white.

In terms of functionality, Voice typing has had a makeover, the drop down Google Search box is now in Chrome (phone UI only) and you can manage the apps data from the settings menu.

New strings in the app suggests that some new features are in the works too such as notifications for the first cards of the morning, afternoon and evening. They also hint at new voice commands, some involving the battery, however they don’t elaborate on what these commands are and for the life of me I can’t find any new ones which are active currently. It could be that they’re all server-side and hasn’t been activated for my account however.

Warning before you update: it breaks a few things. Some users say that Google Now it completely disabled for them with a “Google Now is not available in your country” error. As for me, “Okay, Google” is now inoperative and broken. It let’s me set up and train my voice, but the toggle stays in the off position and won’t move. You can give it a try over at APK Mirror, but remember that it may break some things so you may want to wait for the Play Store update . If you want to try it out and it does break something, uninstall and re-update from the Play Store.

Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free
label_outlineGoogle, google now, Google Search, Lollipop
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