Amazon App Store Has Over 35 Paid Apps & Games Free Today


This post was published 9 years, 9 months ago. Due to the rapidly evolving world of technology, some material it contains may no longer be applicable.

Amazon Apps Deal 12-14th Feb 15

Many of you may be familiar with Amazon’s Android app store, the second largest Android App store after Google Play. If you are, then you probably know that they run a promotion known as “Free App of The Day” where they release one app or game which is ordinarily paid for, free for 24 hours. However, sometimes they decide to go crazy and really offer a whole load of top apps & games for free together. Today is one of those days!

Amazon has released a nice collection of different apps/games which have a total value in excess of $140 on the US store or £100 in the UK, but can be had for free from the 12th to 14th February.

You can see the full list below with their regular prices shown in brackets. Note: these are the actual prices in the respective stores and not currency conversions – some apps are priced differently in the US vs UK stores. The links will take you to the corresponding listing in the Amazon App store for the country in which you are currently located.



label_outlineamazon, apps, deal, games
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