When To Expect Lollipop For Your Device27th November 2014Charlie Callow So unless you’ve been living in a cave somewhere lately, you’ve probably heard all about Google’s latest update to…
My Library Widget In Play Store Update Reveals Official Material Icons For Play Music, Books and Movies & TV14th October 2014Charlie CallowGoogle has been updating all of their first-party apps one by one to their new “material design” style recently in…
The Nexus 6 Is Tantalisingly Close, Here’s What We Know14th October 2014Charlie CallowIt’s Nexus season again and things are heating up. Today we’ve seen Google re-arranging the Android lawn statues (likely in…
7 Things I’m Looking Forward To In Android L16th September 2014Zachary Kew-DennissAndroid L should be launching any time now, and as it gets closer the excitement is only getting stronger. So,…
Google News & Weather App Gets Major Update For First Time Since Eclair26th August 2014Charlie CallowThe ageing News & Weather app (also known as the ‘Genie widget’) has pretty much been untouched since it debuted…
Why Android L Is The Game Changer13th July 2014Zachary Kew-DennissAnybody who follows technology, knows that in the numbers Android is ahead. We have the largest user base, and that…
Why Google Has Yet To Name 5.0 (Possibly)2nd July 2014Charlie Callow Thus far all references to the next version of Android from Google have simply called it “L” or “L…
SuperSU Updated To Support Android L Preview1st July 2014Charlie CallowIf you were having troubles with gaining root access on the new Android L preview, struggle no more! Developer Chainfire…
Nexus 7 2012 Gets Very Early Port Of Android L Preview30th June 2014Charlie CallowWow! We bet you didn’t expect this! XDA Junior Member “500 Internal Server Error” (yes that is his username, Little…
Android 5.0 Likely To Be Called “Lemon Cake”29th June 2014Charlie CallowGoogle revealed a lot about the next version of Android at I/O but thus far they have still not publicly…